Wal-mart will bite the dust!
On 11/23/2010 3:45 PM, Omelet wrote:
> But seriously, why would CC denigrate anyone dressed in a scrub suit?
> Far more decent than some of the outfits on that website!
> I've never been ashamed to wear scrubs to the store early in the
> morning...
> Should I be? Are they that distasteful? :-( Are they really that ugly to
> the regular non-healthcare crowd?
> Maybe I should inform the BOD of the hospital that people deem scrubs to
> be ugly, nasty and distasteful? We have regular "town meetings" monthly.
> Do you want health care workers to switch to jeans and t-shirts? :-( Or
> fur miniskirts and tank tops?
> Please let us know! The Board of Directors wants us to look socially
> acceptable!
Times change, clothing changes. When I had surgery in Germany, Brazil
and Mexico, nurses were still wearing whites. Things changed here and I
am not sure why, maybe they could tell you. My mother and my sister are
both RN's, but neither of them have ever worked, although my mother did
volunteer at Hospice.