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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Miss Manners on Thanksgiving offerings

On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 21:41:23 -0000, "Ophelia" >

>"Lenona" > wrote in message
>> On Nov 23, 11:13 am, itsjoannotjoann >
>> wrote:
>>> On Nov 23, 9:47 am, Lenona > wrote:> On Nov 23, 10:25
>>> am, itsjoannotjoann >
>>> > wrote:
>>> Mortified _and_ shocked that the invitees didn't show up at their
>>> door without a food contribution??? What has the host/hostess have
>>> to be mortified about?? The bringing of food to large get togethers
>>> is done in my family, too, but not just hoping someone will show up
>>> with the correct for dishes. The host/hostess in your family doesn't
>>> request specific dishes and just leaves it up to everyone to bring
>>> what they hope is a variety??

>> After 60 years of watching/doing the same things in the extended
>> family, the hosts know what to expect - and so do the guests. We all
>> know who likes to bring the vegetables and who will bring pies or
>> other desserts.
>> The hosts would be shocked if no one brought anything, since it's
>> usually just RELATIVES who are there, and they've ALWAYS brought
>> contributions! As I said, no other nuclear family else ever hosts.
>> This is due to the fact that only one house is BIG enough for more
>> than a few dinner guests.
>>> Is this a restaurant or a nursing home?? People are not allowed to
>>> fill their own plates???? Are y'all that messy when serving
>>> yourselves someone else has to do it for you?????????

>> No, we're FORMAL. Everyone but three people or so sits down, partly to
>> avoid crowding and foot traffic, but it's also gracious to let guests
>> relax in their seats - especially the oldest ones. The host always
>> does the carving for the first servings. The two or three volunteers
>> (I'm often one of them, another would be the hostess) take specific
>> orders, fill the plates, and serve.
>> For some reason, I can't remember if we use that method for second
>> servings, since many don't want seconds, but we DO use it for dessert,
>> since most people want to wait a while before dessert anyway, and
>> again, it's faster if most of the guests stay seated.
>> Thanks to sf for your comments, btw. As well as commentator #40.

>I am glad it works for you and your family, but please don't get cross if
>other people don't do it your way.
>Each to his/her own eh?

I don't have more than one couple or two for company on Thanksgiving
anymore but when I did the full house routine I'd carve the entire
bird in the kitchen and put it back on the frame... no one knew it was
all sliced until I asked white meat or dark. Now for just a couple
three people I carve at the table. In fact this year I'm commissioned
to scoot over to carve my next door neighbor's turkey and put it back
on the frame without anyone noticing I'm there, Mark said he'd phone
me when he put it on his garage work bench, they have a huge family.
It'll take me like 20 minutes, he'll make me join him in a double
scotch-rocks and I'll scoot back home. I have wonderful neighbors, if
I had a son I wish he were like Mark.