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Default Miss Manners on Thanksgiving offerings

On Nov 23, 11:32*am, Omelet > wrote:

> Additional food was placed on the table in case they wanted "seconds" (I
> do plate the initial dinner), and it did not go uneaten...

Having somebody plate my food would be a nightmare. Most people don't
realize how picky I am because I am good at hiding it in public. But
forcing me to accept a plate where most of it is inedible for me means
that I have to make some excuse as to why I didn't eat it, or eat it
and risk throwing up in public. I have problems with certain textures
and combinations.

A couple months ago, we had a huge family dinner, and my sil hosted
it. She mad a LOT of foods, many of which I didn't like, but I was
able to put together a great plate and give lots of compliments for
what I did like. For things that looked possible, I took a very small
serving so that I could sample them. Anything I liked, I could get
more on a second pass. Anything I didn't like would leave only a
bite's worth on the plate. Things I could not identify, I simply asked
if they were spicy, as that one is safe to ask about and politely
refuse. I did get seconds one particular item and request the recipe
as I really liked it. And I was able to empty my plate and have
seconds, so my sil knew I enjoyed the dinner.

If she had made my plate, I would never have been able to eat it all.
And I would have been very embarrassed. By plating my own, I could
quietly avoid the things I do no like, and praise her for the things I
loved. She felt appreciated, and I had a great time.

I did bring my own pop along with a variety of pop to share. I only
drink one flavor of pop, and if no pop, then I will drink water, which
I do not enjoy. So, if I can bring my own pop, I will. I also take my
own pop to my favorite restaurant as nobody serves my pop anywhere
(Sunkist orange), and the water there tastes bad. So, there is
absolutely nothing for me to drink there. They are fine with that, and
I always buy an extra order to of my favorite dish to go, so I make a
decent purchase each time.