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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

Goomba wrote:
>Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> "Jean B." wrote
>>>>> This is why I don't shop at WalMart.
>>> Yes, the treatment of employees too...
>>> Jean B.

>> Yet people apply for jobs there every day. I only know one person
>> working there, a part timer. He has no complaints.

>I don't get that complaint. They don't treat employees any worse or
>better than any other unskilled labor using store.

Actually Walmart treats unskilled labor better than the competition;
they pay better, their bennies are better, they have excellent
training programs, and they promote better and without
discrimination/nepotism... those who are deserving are moved up, those
who screw up are moved out. Walmart goes a long way to overlook
dimwittedness but the two things they don't tolerate at all are
stealing and drugs... they catch you stealing yer gone, you fail an on
the spot drug test yer gone, no discussion, no second chances... as it
should be. I'd be very wary of associating with anyone who's down on