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itsjoannotjoann itsjoannotjoann is offline
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Default Miss Manners on Thanksgiving offerings

On Nov 23, 2:47*pm, Lenona > wrote:
> On Nov 23, 11:13*am, itsjoannotjoann >
> wrote:
> > Is this a restaurant or a nursing home?? *People are not allowed to
> > fill their own plates???? *Are y'all that messy when serving
> > yourselves someone else has to do it for you????????? *

> No, we're FORMAL. Everyone but three people or so sits down, partly to
> avoid crowding and foot traffic, but it's also gracious to let guests
> relax in their seats - especially the oldest ones.

Oh god, what a bore waiting to be served like everybody is either a
child or two senile to fill their own plate. I would have to speak up
and say I'll fill my own plate, thank you very much.
> The two or three volunteers
> (I'm often one of them, another would be the hostess) take specific
> orders, fill the plates, and serve.
> Lenona.

Do you wear a cheap diners apron, pencil behind your ear, and chewing
gum while taking 'orders??' Sounds like a family of control freaks
instead of a 'formal' meal. (Trying to re-create that Norman Rockwell
picture of the family holiday meal where granny places the platter of
turkey in front of gramps to carve?)

I bet conversation is not allowed while eating either. Geez, loosen
up and enjoy the holiday meal instead of being a control freak
waitress and the host/hostess needs to lighten up and enjoy the day,
too, instead of controlling portions.