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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

On 11/24/2010 9:45 AM, Jean B. wrote:
> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 23:20:33 -0500, "Ed Pawlowski"
>> > wrote:
>>> "Jean B." > wrote
>>>>>> This is why I don't shop at WalMart.
>>>> Yes, the treatment of employees too...
>>>> --
>>>> Jean B.
>>> Yet people apply for jobs there every day. I only know one person
>>> working there, a part timer. He has no complaints.

>> I have three neighbors who work for Walmart, all love their job; one
>> is a retired NYC detective, during the past five years he's been
>> steadly promoted, he's now regional head of security at Walmart, one
>> is an accountant, and one is a young person who works in their
>> warehouse driving a fork lift. They all say that Walmart's pay and
>> bennies are better than the same jobs at the competion, and all are
>> very happy with how they are treated. My neighbor who's head of
>> security says that those who are down on Walmart are those who have
>> been dismissed for cause, have a family member who has been dismissed
>> for cause, or don't shop Walmart because they were caught shop lifting
>> so are legally barred from the premises. I don't know of any company
>> that tolerates theft and/or druggies. Those who are most vociferous
>> about bashing Walmart and ranting about how they never shop there you
>> can bet your bippee that they did something illegal that prevents them
>> from working/shopping there.

> That's interesting. Thanks. As to that last... ?

What nonsense. If someone is critical of walmart because say they pay no
property taxes. In my state they get KOZ status, that means aside from
the taxpayers acquiring and developing properties, building highway
interchanges and installing traffic signals for them they don't pay
taxes for nine years. When the nine years are up they simply move across
the street.

Or maybe because they give printed instructions to employees on how to
obtain their "benefits" since their wages put a good portion of their
employees in the official poverty class (>50% of the folks on public
assistance in my state are walmart employees) Or maybe because walmart's
strategy to destroy US manufacturing to insure their margins actually
isn't a good thing now that it has played out and many jobs are gone
forever? Obama can't keep picking folks pockets to "stimulate" the
economy forever instead of having real jobs.

And a retired NYC cop says so it must be true? He certainly is
representative of a typical walmart employee... He likely retired at 50
and his pension is probably $80,000 and his full medical etc is also
covered by the NYC taxpayers. So any money he picks up on the side is a
good thing.