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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 10:49:04 -0500, George >

>On 11/24/2010 9:45 AM, Jean B. wrote:
>> Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 23:20:33 -0500, "Ed Pawlowski"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> "Jean B." > wrote
>>>>>>> This is why I don't shop at WalMart.
>>>>> Yes, the treatment of employees too...
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jean B.
>>>> Yet people apply for jobs there every day. I only know one person
>>>> working there, a part timer. He has no complaints.
>>> I have three neighbors who work for Walmart, all love their job; one
>>> is a retired NYC detective, during the past five years he's been
>>> steadly promoted, he's now regional head of security at Walmart, one
>>> is an accountant, and one is a young person who works in their
>>> warehouse driving a fork lift. They all say that Walmart's pay and
>>> bennies are better than the same jobs at the competion, and all are
>>> very happy with how they are treated. My neighbor who's head of
>>> security says that those who are down on Walmart are those who have
>>> been dismissed for cause, have a family member who has been dismissed
>>> for cause, or don't shop Walmart because they were caught shop lifting
>>> so are legally barred from the premises. I don't know of any company
>>> that tolerates theft and/or druggies. Those who are most vociferous
>>> about bashing Walmart and ranting about how they never shop there you
>>> can bet your bippee that they did something illegal that prevents them
>>> from working/shopping there.

>> That's interesting. Thanks. As to that last... ?

>What nonsense. If someone is critical of walmart because say they pay no
>property taxes. In my state they get KOZ status, that means aside from
>the taxpayers acquiring and developing properties, building highway
>interchanges and installing traffic signals for them they don't pay
>taxes for nine years. When the nine years are up they simply move across
>the street.

Any company that relocates gets the same tax break, and stocking
shelves ain't a real job anywhere, idiot.