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Ed Pawlowski[_2_] Ed Pawlowski[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 1,609
Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

"George" > wrote
> Or maybe because they give printed instructions to employees on how to
> obtain their "benefits" since their wages put a good portion of their
> employees in the official poverty class (>50% of the folks on public
> assistance in my state are walmart employees) Or maybe because walmart's
> strategy to destroy US manufacturing to insure their margins actually
> isn't a good thing now that it has played out and many jobs are gone
> forever? Obama can't keep picking folks pockets to "stimulate" the
> economy forever instead of having real jobs.

The wages are about the same as other stores pay. If you are going to bash
once store, be sure to bash all the others along with them.

Same with moving jobs overseas. WalMart may be the biggest importer, but
just look at the origin of similar products in Sears, Lowes, Best Buy,
Target or wherever.

We recently had an opportunity to supply WalMart with a product for next
summer. They told us the price they would pay, we told them "no thanks".
The volume was great, but with no profit, we won't touch it. There present
supplier is afraid to say no and is having financial problems. It is a
choice they are making.

Don't forget to put a portion of the blame on the US consumer that is
hunting that low, low, low price.