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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

In article >,
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:

> We recently had an opportunity to supply WalMart with a product for next
> summer. They told us the price they would pay, we told them "no thanks".
> The volume was great, but with no profit, we won't touch it. There present
> supplier is afraid to say no and is having financial problems. It is a
> choice they are making.
> Don't forget to put a portion of the blame on the US consumer that is
> hunting that low, low, low price.

I just hope the US remembers the lessons that we didn't appear to learn
during the chip dumping days. The Japanese sold memory chips for
computers below cost, driving all the US companies out of the market.
Once they were gone, they raised the prices to make ridiculous profits.
The US chip makers had learned their lesson, so they didn't try to get
back in production, because they just would have been forced out again.
Of course, they all could have gotten together and worked out a strategy
between themselves, but that would have violated anti-trust laws here in
the US.

Getting low prices through competition in a free market is a really nice
theory, but anyone who thinks that China is competing in a free market
should do some hard thinking.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA