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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Miss Manners on Thanksgiving offerings

"itsjoannotjoann" > wrote in message
> On Nov 23, 9:15 am, Lenona > wrote:
>> Dear Miss Manners: Is it rude to bring your own stuffing because
>> you don’t like what the host is serving? (The “host” is my daughter,
>> and my boyfriend is the stuffing hater.)
>> Gentle Reader: Since this is a family dinner, there is a polite way
>> for him to bring stuffing that he likes. All he has to do, Miss
>> Manners begs you to inform him, is to obtain your daughter’s
>> permission beforehand to bring it nicely packed inside of a freshly
>> cooked turkey.
>> (end)
>> I don't understand MM's response. What's so terrible about bringing
>> extra stuffing without a turkey to go with it? In MY experience,
>> stuffing is something people often like MORE than the turkey - and
>> since, in my extended family, Thanksgiving dinner is always at the
>> same house, it would be wrong, in our opinions, for each of us NOT to
>> bring part of the meal - or an "extra" pie, stuffing or vegetable
>> dish. So all you'd have to do is bring a generous amount in case
>> everyone else prefers your stuffing too.
>> Lenona.

> A food contribution to a meal should be something the host or hostess
> has _asked_ you to bring. Not stuffing/dressing because you have a
> picky eater and just cannot fathom eating what has been prepared
> "because they don't like their version of stuffing/dressing."
> There are advice/manners columns because people like you don't
> understand the concept of being invited to a meal without bringing
> your own food because you whine "I don't like that." Graciously
> accept the invitation and shut up about what you don't like that has
> been cooked. Or stay home and cook what *you* want then you can't
> whine about some else's cooking.

I have to wonder who bothers to write to Miss Manners, or Ann Landers, or
Dear Abby for advice about anything. You do realize these are people with
about as many useful answers to questions as you'll find here on RFC, right?
Do whatever the heck you want. If the boyfriend wants to eat or not eat the
stuffing, that's his choice. It's really a no brainer.

I don't get insulted if someone doesn't want to eat what I've cooked. I
don't get insulted if someone brings a dish I didn't ask for. I figure, let
*them* eat it if I don't want it. What's the big deal? I'm not going to
hunt for tofurkey if someone is a vegetarian. If they want tofurkey or a
spam ham, so be it. Let them bring it to the party. This is all too silly.
