Getting a Whole Cheesecake Off a Springform Base
In, Wayne Boatwright >
posted on 25 Nov 2010 04:25:04 GMT the following:
> If it hasn't been suggested before, use a length of waxed dental floss
> to cut all the pieces of cheesecake. Wrap the ends of the floss around
> your fingers the same as if you were going to floss your teeth. Press
> the floss across the whole cheesecake all the way down to the bottom.
> When you cut all the way to the bottom, pull the length of floss all
> the way out of the cheesecake. Do not try to pull the floss upwards.
> Repeat cuts all the around the cake. Using floss gives you the most
> perfect slices.
Using cinnamon-flavored dental floss might give the cheesecake that final
magic touch.
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