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Brooklyn1 Brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Wal-mart will bite the dust!

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 05:01:30 +0200, ChattyCathy
> wrote:

>On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 16:35:57 -0500, blake murphy wrote:
>> c.c., have you actually looked at *people of walmart*?

>I have. When it was first launched and everybody was 'busting a gut' over
>it. Didn't think much of it back then so it's not saved in my bookmarks...
>> that ain't 'working
>> attire' unless you're a very fat hooker.

>Please don't forget that's allegedly the oldest profession in the world,
>so who are you or I to criticize their 'working attire'?
>But no, seriously (as Bob P used to say) - you can't expect me to believe
>that WalMart is the only public place in the USA that these ahem,
>so-called "freakazoids" shop at and/or frequent?
>What is it with the anti-WalMart clientele sentiment in general, anyway?
>Is their hard-earned money pink instead of green, perhaps? And before you
>mention it - they can't possibly *all* be on welfare.
>Heh, rumor has it that the WalMart powers-that-be have been sniffing
>around in our neck of the woods with an eye to 'starting up shop' over
>here one of these fine years - so should I expect the 'dress code' of the
>people who might choose to shop there to suddenly change?

In the US it's more usual for the every day shoppers on the
entitlement-dole to dress in far finer finery and be more costly
coifed than those hard working folks who receive no financial aid...
often the parasites arrive in much nicer vehicles too.