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Ed Pawlowski[_2_] Ed Pawlowski[_2_] is offline
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Default Another previously reputable company bites the dust...

"George" > wrote
>> The wages are about the same as other stores pay. If you are going to
>> bash once store, be sure to bash all the others along with them.

> Actually they aren't. And Walmart is well known for an extreme overuse of
> keeping people at part time status.

Overuse? Do you have statistics on that? My guess it is hearsay. The part
time status thing has been used by retailers since I first stated working in
high school days in the early 60's. Nothing new there and I never heard of
Wal Mart back then. Some manufactureres used part time crews for the same
reason, no benefits or overtime.

>> Same with moving jobs overseas. WalMart may be the biggest importer, but
>> just look at the origin of similar products in Sears, Lowes, Best Buy,
>> Target or wherever.

> Sure, but Walmart was the one that really made it the acceptable thing to
> do.

Your opinion or do you have backup on that claim? We started importing
cheap junk from Japan in the 1950's and K-Mart and ilk were loaded with it.
Japan eventually became the major supplier of cameras, electronics, and we
flocked to the store to by Sony TVs. Who started that movement? Wal Mart
started in 1962 and Sam was not such a big importer. Go to the nearest Best
Buy and count he US made products.

>> We recently had an opportunity to supply WalMart with a product for next
>> summer. They told us the price they would pay, we told them "no thanks".
>> The volume was great, but with no profit, we won't touch it. There
>> present supplier is afraid to say no and is having financial problems.
>> It is a choice they are making.

> But isn't that pretty simplistic on your part to amuse it is the same for
> all other businesses since whatever it is you do can't possibly represent
> the situations of other businesses?

No, but many are looking at the big volume and figure they can compete.
They want the big order. Google WalMart and Vlasic Pickles and then do Wal
Mart and Snapper Mower. Sometimes you just have to say no. My first
exposure to that type of practice was back in the 1970's when a competitor
went after all the high volume appliance related business at very low
prices. They were very busy for a few years and then went bankrupt. At the
time, it was not WMart, but GE Appliances that did them in.

>> Don't forget to put a portion of the blame on the US consumer that is
>> hunting that low, low, low price.

> Absolutely, many US consumers didn't connect the dots.

That we agree on. They still don't connect them.