Miss Manners on Thanksgiving offerings
On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 06:07:42 -0500, "jmcquown" >
>"itsjoannotjoann" > wrote in message
>> On Nov 23, 9:15 am, Lenona > wrote:
>>> Dear Miss Manners: Is it rude to bring your own stuffing because
>>> you don’t like what the host is serving? (The “host” is my daughter,
>>> and my boyfriend is the stuffing hater.)
>>> Gentle Reader: Since this is a family dinner, there is a polite way
>>> for him to bring stuffing that he likes. All he has to do, Miss
>>> Manners begs you to inform him, is to obtain your daughter’s
>>> permission beforehand to bring it nicely packed inside of a freshly
>>> cooked turkey.
>>> (end)
>>> I don't understand MM's response. What's so terrible about bringing
>>> extra stuffing without a turkey to go with it? In MY experience,
>>> stuffing is something people often like MORE than the turkey - and
>>> since, in my extended family, Thanksgiving dinner is always at the
>>> same house, it would be wrong, in our opinions, for each of us NOT to
>>> bring part of the meal - or an "extra" pie, stuffing or vegetable
>>> dish. So all you'd have to do is bring a generous amount in case
>>> everyone else prefers your stuffing too.
>>> Lenona.
>> A food contribution to a meal should be something the host or hostess
>> has _asked_ you to bring. Not stuffing/dressing because you have a
>> picky eater and just cannot fathom eating what has been prepared
>> "because they don't like their version of stuffing/dressing."
>> There are advice/manners columns because people like you don't
>> understand the concept of being invited to a meal without bringing
>> your own food because you whine "I don't like that." Graciously
>> accept the invitation and shut up about what you don't like that has
>> been cooked. Or stay home and cook what *you* want then you can't
>> whine about some else's cooking.
>I have to wonder who bothers to write to Miss Manners, or Ann Landers, or
>Dear Abby for advice about anything.
The very same freaks n' imbeciles who drool over The Jerry Springer
You do realize these are people with
>about as many useful answers to questions as you'll find here on RFC, right?
>Do whatever the heck you want. If the boyfriend wants to eat or not eat the
>stuffing, that's his choice. It's really a no brainer.
>I don't get insulted if someone doesn't want to eat what I've cooked. I
>don't get insulted if someone brings a dish I didn't ask for. I figure, let
>*them* eat it if I don't want it. What's the big deal? I'm not going to
>hunt for tofurkey if someone is a vegetarian. If they want tofurkey or a
>spam ham, so be it. Let them bring it to the party. This is all too silly.