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plutchak joel peter
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Default An opinion wanted

TOM KAN PA > wrote:
>I sent this email to the Penn Brewery in Pittsburgh, Pa..


>************************************************* *****I received this reply:
>We'll take your suggestion under consideration but do not permit customers to
>bring their own beverages into the restaurant. We do serve a number of juices,
>soft drinks, tea, coffee, iced tea. Thanks for your support of our restaurant
>through the years.
>____Reply Separator_____
>I've been to restaurants that allow diabetics and patrons with other medical
>problems to bring their own condiments, salad dressings, etc.. I would think
>that drinking an NA beer on a doctor's advice would fall into this category.
>BTW, the NA beer would be Clausthaler, not the O'Doulle's crap that most all
>restaurants and bars serve.

Well, I think you're being a bit disingenuous. After all,
the doctor didn't say she had to drink non-alcoholic[*] beer,
just that she shouldn't drink alcoholic beverages. It's not as
if the restaurant doesn't offer alternatives, as they point out.
Absent a specific medical need, it'd be like bringing a
particularly lean steak into a restaurant because the doctor
said you should cutr down you fat consumption-- most any
restaurant would have low-fat alternatives, and would
correct in refusing to allow food brought in.
Joel Plutchak <plutchak@[...]>
Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots

"Resorting to personal harassment is a tactic of desperation."