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Lou decruss Lou decruss is offline
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Default Panko Fried Fish

On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:14:42 -0600, Sqwertz >

>Another panko demonstration.

And a fine one.

>Panko is the best breading out there.

I'll agree with that.

>It's nothing like bread crumbs.

I've posted links twice to videos on how it's made yet people still
say stupid stuff. When I posted a picture of the panko breaded green
tomato and one of the responses (with no quotation) said they saved
old bread I knew it was a lost cause. But lets keep up the quest to
educate those who don't know any better and post pictures of the

>Much lighter than any traditional breading or batter, and has the
>best crunch for the buck.

>This is "Captains Catch" tilapia which are individually wrapped and
>frozen 6oz fillets for the restaurant business. They have changed
>my attitude towards tilapia. Each fillet is super-meaty, and
>non-muddy tasting. And they only cost $1.68/lb in 20lb boxes.
>They are excellent tilapia.

Good price and they looked substantial. Basa is another good cheap
fish that gets bad-mouthed here but I like it.


Good looking meal. You got malt vinegar mixed in the ketchup?
