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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Wal-mart will bite the dust!

On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:32:21 -0600, Omelet wrote:

> I still firmly believe that most of the current POWM photos are staged.
> Some people are just exhibitionists. ;-)

Haven't looked at the photos on the site in a while, so I'll take your
word for it about the staged thing. But when last I looked, most of the
photos I saw were taken from behind the shoppers or from an angle where
they couldn't possibly have seen the photographer without turning their
heads in the right direction... Therefore, unless they had 'eyes in the
back of their heads', those shoppers were being photographed without their

Heh. I have to wonder about some of the photos that *didn't* make it to
the site... because I'm pretty sure there must have been the odd
photographer who was "caught in the act" by an unimpressed shopper - and
ended up in hospital with a broken nose (or worse).

As for exhibitionists - sure, there are plenty on the planet - but how or
why shopping in a WalMart store would give them a bigger 'kick' than
anywhere else also escapes me. It's all rather odd, IMHO.

Chatty Cathy