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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Happy Thanksgiving

On 26/11/2010 2:59 PM, jmcquown wrote:

> Terribly sorry to hear you have heart problems. I'm fortunate in that I
> don't. Nor do I have high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, diabetes
> and I'm not overweight. I'd rather cook with butter than some fake-O
> margarine crap. At least you know what you've got with butter. Who knows
> what the chemicals are in that other stuff?

Sometimes it just doesn't make any sense at all. I do not eat a lot of
fat of any type. I usually trim the fat off my meat. I don't eat a lot
of fried stuff, I dont eat a lot of rich food. My wife, OTOH, eats a
fat laden breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage and cheese, almost every
day. She eats cold cuts..... salt and fat. She often eats the fat that I
have cut from my meat. She has no cholesterol problem, and I am the one
who had to go for an angiogram that suddenly turned into emergency
bypass surgery.
My older brother had a heart attack at 50. He never had a cholesterol
problem before his attack.