Getting a Whole Cheesecake Off a Springform Base
On 11/26/2010 12:57 PM, Goomba wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> There are yeast based crusts, shortbread crusts, ginger snap crumb
>> crusts, ground hazelnut or pecan crusts, etc.
>> I don't like any crustless cheesecakes, quiches, our pies.
> All the crusts you mention are improvements over graham cracker
> crusts, IMO. NY style cheesecake is often sans crust, but I've never
> heard of a crustless quiche or pies.
> I liked the wafer Oblaten we could get in Germany. Have you ever seen
> or used them?
My cheesecake is made without crust, because my husband likes it like
that. I can take it either way, but I have come to enjoy cheesecake
without a crust.