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Sqwertz[_25_] Sqwertz[_25_] is offline
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Default Warming leftovers the old fashioned way

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 17:23:09 -0500, ravenlynne wrote:

> On 11/26/2010 5:10 PM, Chemo the Clown wrote:
>> On Nov 26, 2:00 pm, > wrote:
>>> /Sigh
>>> So, our microwave doesn't work. The lights all work, I can hear the fan
>>> running and the turntable turns, but it doesn't heat. This is NOT the
>>> weekend to have a not working machine.
>>> Warming leftovers in the oven dries them's too bad...I love
>>> leftovers.
>>> --
>>> Currently reading: The Chalice by Phil Rickman and The Walking Dead vol 3

>> Microwaves are cheap~!
>> go buy a new one...even cheaper this weekend!

A good microwave is not cheap. Well, it's not as cheap as those
$40 POS you buy at Walmart and Target.

> It's less than a year old...have a repairman coming on monday to fix it
> for least it crapped out before the warranty did.


I would be interested in hearing how they, or whoever, handles the

I didn't they had Microwave repairman. And what the extent of
their capabilities really are.

"Yep. It's Busted. I'll take it with me and you'll have one back
in 2 weeks"


"It was a logic fault in the IC9612-2006-PW firmware that
iocorrectly detects a safety hazard. It's not flashable so I've
soldered in the upgraded revision.
