Thread: Burnt my ribs
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Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] Leonard Blaisdell[_2_] is offline
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Default Burnt my ribs

In article >,
"Christopher M." > wrote:

> I guess the marrow got burnt. It gave it an odd flavor. They weren't bad
> though, with some salt.

I'm not sure why the marrow burnt. I cook beef and pork ribs for 4 hours
at 250 degrees Fahrenheit in a covered glass casserole. Salt and pepper
portions that fit the casserole, put in the casserole, put in the oven
and walk away. Marrow does ooze out but doesn't taste burnt.
I won't get into removing the parchment, because I've already beaten
that horse to death. Slather on your favorite sauce when done.
Oh, and if you fall asleep and don't get back to the ribs for five
hours, that's OK.
