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Boron Elgar[_1_] Boron Elgar[_1_] is offline
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Default Thanksgiving PIES!!

On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 17:17:25 -0600, "Peaches" >

>"Ema Nymton" > wrote in message
>> On 11/25/2010 7:58 PM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>>> On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 16:05:13 -0600, Ema >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Looks wonderful. I enjoy baking pies, but I am not good at fluting pie
>>>> crust.
>>>> Becca
>>> You needn't worry about fluting if you get creative.
>>> The daughter's pumpkin uses a store-bought crust (not so creative, but
>>> it works for her), the pecan pie a shortbread crust that is not
>>> rolled, but pressed into the mold (in this case, a 10" springform) and
>>> the mince pie has all the overlapping pastry cut outs.
>>> Boron

>> These pies look beautiful, thanks for the photos. The chocolate pecan
>> creation is just huge! For that reason alone, I know I would like it. ;-)
>> Becca

>Taggin' on to Becca here, I think those look wonderful! As to store bought
>pie crust, I have been doing that for years. I have tried every recipe for
>pie crust and just don't have the knack for them. I would make one standing
>right next to my grandmother, do the same things and mine never turned out.
>She finally told me that sometimes you are good at one thing and not so good
>at others. She told me I bake wonderful cakes and cookies from scratch, and
>just go with the 'boughten' crust. Works for me...
>Peaches in Rowlett TX, where we finally have 'winter' for a few days..

I did not make my own pie crusts until 6 or 7 years ago. I used a
brand called Oronoque Orchards. They were wonderful, had great
ingredients, and I had no experience whatsoever making crust.

Somehow I decided to take the plunge and never looked back. The edges
do not always look perfect and so I have devised various cosmetic
cover-ups that work quite well.

When my daughter wanted to use a store bought crust this year, we
could no longer find the good ones. The company has been bought out by
Mrs Smith and Oronoque Orchards, which is the name less prominently
displayed on the package, now contains corn syrup. I do not know when
the sell-out happened, as I had not looked at frozen pie crust in
years, but I was saddened anyway.
