"fastfwd" > writes:
> > > I am looking for a
> > > beer thats not so bitter as budweiser, maybe a little sweeter taste? can
> >
> > If you think Budweiser is bitter, you should probably give up beer
> > altogether. Budweiser is deliberately formulated to have as little
> > bitterness as any hopped beverage might have.
> Why be such a beer snob? If the guy wants to try something better why would
> you discourage him so much? The more people drinking something besides the
> macros the better in my opinion.
Why take the post seriously at all? Most likely it's a troll with
the flames diverted to some innocent third party's e-mail address.
Brendan Halpin, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, Ireland
Tel: w +353-61-213147 f +353-61-202569 h +353-61-390476; Room F2-025 x 3147