Thread: what beer?
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plutchak joel peter
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Default what beer?

fastfwd > wrote:
>> > I am looking for a
>> > beer thats not so bitter as budweiser, maybe a little sweeter taste? can

>> If you think Budweiser is bitter, you should probably give up beer
>> altogether. Budweiser is deliberately formulated to have as little
>> bitterness as any hopped beverage might have.

>Why be such a beer snob? If the guy wants to try something better why would
>you discourage him so much? The more people drinking something besides the
>macros the better in my opinion.

That would be good advice for somebody who wabted more
flavor in their beer, but this bozo troll wanted a beer
LESS BITTER THAN BUDWEISER! I thought it was particularly
bad trolling, but even if he was serious, the answer above
Joel Plutchak <plutchak@[...]> | Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots

"I don't like beer. I tried it once and thought it was terrible."
- Overheard at a restaurant