Braised ribs
ravenlynne > wrote in news:icuknb$e3e$2
> On 11/28/2010 5:12 PM, Cheryl wrote:
>> On Sun 28 Nov 2010 04:12:44p, Dan Abel wrote in
>> <news:dabel-3642D0.13124428112010@c-61-68-245-
>>> In >,
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Cheryl (almost done with yucky math; finals next weekend)
>>> Do you get to start the fun math after that?
>>> :-)
>>> People in my house seem to like math.
>> Unfortunately, yes. Next is college level algebra. Why why why? lol
> I have to take Calculus for social science majors.
Is this all aimed at getting a better job...... or getting a job?
Or just something to stimulate the brain?
Peter Lucas
The act of feeding someone is an act of beauty,
whether it's a full Sunday roast or a jam sandwich,
but only when done with love.