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VAXman- @SendSpamHere.ORG
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Default Hey, anyone from NY/NJ here???

In article >, c (TOM KAN PA) writes:
>I've tried year after year to get a NY Giants schedule for my son-in-law. The
>poster type that goes on a wall.
>Since the NFL has clamped down on the use of team logos, etc., the small
>breweries don't pay the fee to use them.
>Miller and Budweiser do. I've had no problem getting a Steelers' schedule year
>after year, but no success in obtaining a Giants' schedule.
>I emailed Miller and Budweiser and they told me to get it from a beer
>distributor in they NY/NJ area.
>So, is there anyone in this group who could get me one? The posters are no
>charge but I'd certainly reimburse anyone on the costs of sending it to me.
>Allison Park, PA

I'm not "from" NJ but I am currently residing here. I'll see if I can find
what you ask. I'm in the south of NJ -- Closer to Philly than NYC -- but I
find that businesses here tend to carry more NY team gear than Philly team
gear. Probably the urban sprawl ooze from NYC into parts west and south of

VAXman- A Bored Certified VMS Kernel Mode Hacker VAXman(at)TMESIS(dot)COM

"Well my son, life is like a beanstalk, isn't it?"