Turkey- How big; how hot and how long
On 11/27/2010 12:35 PM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> I see so many folks complaining about dried out turkey& it seems it
> is the theme of every news show for a week before T-giving so I'm
> wondering how folks made out here.
> We do a few turkeys a year& I can't remember one being dried out. I
> buy a 20ish pound frozen Butterball, or whatever is on sale. Thaw it
> out for a week in the frig.
> Take it out of the frig an hour or so before cooking to pat it down,
> tie up the wings and slather some more butter on it.
> I cook in a big old enamelware roaster with a rack. Add 2 cups of
> broth, cover, and put in a 325 oven. I take the cover off in an
> hour or so- and baste every 30 minutes thereafter. When it starts
> to brown up I start taking its temp- shooting for 170F or so in the
> thigh. It took about 4 hours this year.
> Then I move it to the top of the stove, draw off the liquid for gravy
> and tent or cover it.
> I use the oven for an hour or so at 425- so the stovetop is toasty--
> an hour later I'm burning my fingers while removing the steaming
> breast. Thigh joints pop apart with ease& all is well cooked, but
> moist.
> Summary;
> 20 pound turkey- not stuffed
> 325F -
> about 4 hours [that's only 12 minutes per pound-- but the thigh temp
> was 180 when I took it out of the oven]
> What works [or doesn't] for you?
I'm resigned to the fact that there's no way to cook a whole bird
without over-cooking the breast and/or under-cooking the thighs. I just
hack the legs and thighs off and roast them separately, works fine for
me. I've always been a practical sort. :-)
> Jim