What happened to marble cake mixes?
On Mon, 29 Nov 2010 13:30:08 -0800 (PST), Bryan
> arranged random neurons and said:
>Another brilliant question from a WebTVer. Duncan Hines, Betty
>Crocker and Pillsbury are all trash.
Oh, for the love of...your nose is stuck so high in the air, if it
rains, you'll drown. Jaysus. I don't personally like box mixes, but
they have their place, as do the myriad of other kitchen shortcuts you
find so distasteful. Get over yourself, boyo.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as warm as the wine,
if the wine had been as old as the turkey,
and if the turkey had had a breast like the maid,
it would have been a swell dinner." Duncan Hines
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