Turkey- How big; how hot and how long
On 11/30/2010 6:40 AM, zxcvbob wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> On 11/29/2010 3:39 PM, Omelet wrote:
>>> In >,
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I'm resigned to the fact that there's no way to cook a whole bird
>>>> without over-cooking the breast and/or under-cooking the thighs. I just
>>>> hack the legs and thighs off and roast them separately, works fine for
>>>> me. I've always been a practical sort. :-)
>>> <lol> I LIKE that concept!!!
>> Most folks can't hack the idea of mutilating their beautiful bird -
>> you'd think it was their legs they were cutting off! :-) I also
>> defrost and brine the bird simultaneously. None of that 3 days to
>> defrost in the fridge - I just put the frozen turkey in salt water at
>> room temperature. The salt facilitates a fast thaw. Of course, this is
>> in Hawaii where the temperature doesn't get much below 70 degrees.
> You also have plenty of salt water <g>
> I just thaw the turkey in the kitchen sink overnight; take it out of the
> freezer right before I go to bed, and then open it up early the next
> morning to cook it. It's still frozen, mostly. But it thaws enough to
> unwrap it easier and maybe to get the giblet bag out. Sometimes I have
> to wait until it's been in the roaster for an hour to retrieve the
> giblets and neck.
I will try this the next time I get an injected bird. Thanks!
> Bob