How americans Became The Fattest People In the world
On Nov 30, 4:33*pm, "Peter Lucas (SAS RET)" > wrote:
> A new book called ''Fat Land'' pulls no punches. Its author Greg
> Critser subtitles it bluntly: How americans Became the Fattest People
> in the World.
> It is true that there is nothing quite as gross as a fat american.
> Even frikken clothes sizes have to be coyly renamed to accommodate
> them (the fast food industry is probably bankrolling that
> one).Restaurant chairs and plane seats just arent big enough any more.
> Only recently, a white woman suceeded in suing the hugely fat negro
> American who sat next to her on a long-haul flight and overflowed into
> her space, crushing and injuring her.
> Since fat children are twice as likely as thin ones to become
> overweight adults, the projection is that a third of american adults
> will be obese by the year 2012.
> Obesity opens the door to a whole bunch of killers, including heart
> disease, heart problems, strokes, diabetes and lung problems. No
> wonder that the World Health Organisation declares that obesity is
> ''the dominent global health issue, with america topping the list''.
> The face of death is no longer the starving African, its the grotesk
> overweight american. It isnt AIDS or malaria or malnutrition that will
> kill them. Its being frikken to fat. americans are there already —78
> per cent of them are overweight enough to begin experiencing health
> problems as a direct result. What really sticks in my craw is; who
> will PAY for these peoples medical costs? Thats right- the TAXPAYER!
> The american goverment is fast running out of cash so you just know it
> will be us 'western allies' who will be footing the bill in the long
> run. We need to plan ahead to circumvent this so please contact your
> congressmen NOW.
> --
> Peter Lucas
> Brisbane
> Australia
> sticking it to ''Politcal Correctness'' since 2008
Where did I put that cookie?