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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 4,466
Default Gonna dip the mints now!

Here's the recipe:


4 cup sugar
1.33 cup water
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Cook to 240F. Cool slightly, pour onto MARBLE SLAB, cool to 110F-ish
then begin working thin clear syrup with a hard plastic scraper,
scraping and folding it over itself, working air into it slowly. This
may take a half an hour sometimes! Eventually syrup becomes cloudy,
then cloudier, then cloudiest, then white, then stiffly white! Work
syrup as much as you can! When it's solid, wrap in plastic wrap and
let set in airtight container for a couple of days.

For mints: add 10-15 drops oil of peppermint and 2-3 drops green food
color. Warm fondant to mix in color and flavor, then spread thin on
plastic lined baking sheet and freeze to work it into patties. Dip in
dark chocolate!

Pics to come! Got my mint fondant in the freezer, gonna warm up the
chocolate for dipping!


John Kuthe...