your )All( pathetic
"Lobby Dosser" > wrote in message
> "PeterLucas" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Time to stop lurking and spit it out. You loosers are totally
>> pathetic. Your childish,witless, stupid and repetitive.
>> There arent one post on this whole forum that looks like it came from
>> anyone who has more IQ points than there teeth.
> What about education? When did your education stop? Eight? Nine? Ten years
> old?
> Let us review your post:
> "losers" for "losers"
Damn fingers just will Not let me type "loosers"!
> "Your childish" for "You're childish"
> "There aren't" for "There aren't" for "There isn't"
> "than there teeth for "than their teeth" for "than teeth"
> All that in One paragraph of Three sentences and Forty Two words.
> Who in their right mind would want to read the rest of your tripe.
> Now **** Off!
> --
> If your name is No, I voted for you - more than once ...
If your name is No, I voted for you - more than once ...