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plutchak joel peter
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Default Traveling with Beer

Douglas W. Hoyt > wrote:
>>>>>>> Has any one had any experience taking home brew on an airplane? I

>want to take a few bottles on my next trip.
>I was once flying back to Chicago from Europe, and the person next to me
>brought a full 24-bottle crate of Leffe with her as carry-on. She said it
>was her favorite beer. The flight attendants helped her carry and stow it.

I've known some people who had problems with unlabeled,
self-capped homebrew being confiscated. Who knows what evil
substance they could have in those bottles? Of course, we
all know it'd be easy to recap a commercial bottle, so there
should be no difference, but I guess they don't pay airport
security people to think.
Joel Plutchak <plutchak@[...]> | Boneyard Union of Zymurgical Zealots

"I don't like beer. I tried it once and thought it was terrible."
- Overheard at a restaurant