Thread: Hevelius Kaper?
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Default Hevelius Kaper?

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Bill Benzel wrote:

Thanks for the URL. The site claims to be "temporarily closed in order to
update all information." I hope that's just for the short term.

There seem to be a few hints that Amtec sells only to retailers and
pub owners, not to private individuals.

Also noted with some trepidation that the site lists Hevelius Kaper as
6.8% ABV instead of the 9.1% I'd thought it was. We're more interested in
the flavor and the memories of Poland than the high alcohol content, but
with such a big difference, I fear they may simply have the wrong beer.

I was planning on having it shipped directly to California, where my
friend lives. Would that work if the order was sent from NC? I'm all too
aware of the restrictive beer laws here -- missing my Chimay as the
weather starts to cool down.

Thanks again for your help.