bloody shopping carts
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Dec 2010 15:27:20 -0500, Nancy Young wrote:
>> Even worse at Costco, people fall into a zombie-like state when
>> they see free samples, they crowd around and you can't get past
>> them or their abandoned carts. People, it's just some canned soup!
>> You're creeping me out! Heh.
> But on a good day, you can get a free lunch at CostCo. And if you
> still aren't satiated, there's the $1.50 hot dog or $2 slice at the
> snack bar.
> Or you could just graze.
I have nothing against the samples, even if one sample dude did have
a hissy fit at me once. Kind of put me off. But it's the way people
get this look in their eyes like ... SAMPLES, MUST GO TO SAMPLES
and stand around in a crowd like they never saw free crackers
before, geez. Even then I wouldn't care if there wasn't a traffic jam
of carts.
Luckily, being of the leisure set (harrr), usually I don't see too many
samples since I go early during the week. And sometimes I get
a churro on my way out, for a buck. It's all good.