bloody shopping carts
On Dec 2, 12:15*pm, Cindy Hamilton >
> On Dec 2, 2:18*pm, lainie > wrote:
> > On Dec 2, 2:00*pm, Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
> > > On Dec 2, 1:36*pm, lainie > wrote:
> > > > Beats me why people have to have their carts right beside them when
> > > > they shop. *Just back from Costco where the book/video aisle was
> > > > crammed with carts taking up space that three or four people could
> > > > have used. *Jeez, like someone's going to steal stuff that hasn't been
> > > > paid for yet. *Park the carts out of the way people!! *e.
> > > So, you park your cart, run up and down the aisles, and carry
> > > stuff back to the cart? *Doesn't sound very efficient to me.
> > "Book, videos, cd's etc. *Most people enjoy browsing in these aisles.
> > Kind of hard to browse or even get close if carts are parked in the
> > way.
> Fair enough. *I don't shop at Costco. *There isn't one close enough,
> although we're supposed to get one in a year or two.
Think twice before you join the cult, unless you have a big family.