bloody shopping carts
On Dec 3, 9:32*am, notbob > wrote:
> On 2010-12-02, jmcquown > wrote:
> > Why on earth would someone steal your shopping cart? *
> (notbob sheepishly raises hand....)
> Guilty!
> I must admit, that during the occasional senior shopping moment, I
> have been known to unintentionally wonder off with someone else's cart.
> Usually, it's a short lived thing, only a few seconds before I realize
> I'm not pushing my cart, but it is embarrassing. *In my own defense, I
> will say it's usually cuz I'll often park my cart away, out of a high
> traffic area, so as to not contribute to jes the sort of jams and
> bottlenecks we're discussing, then absentmindedly come back and grab
> the wrong cart. *I always get the cart back to the rightful owner with
> little fuss and have always been forgiven my blunder. *Fortunately,
> I'm not so far gone I've walked off with a cart with a kid in it!! *8\
> nb *
Yes, that's the downside of parking your cart out of the way. I often
forget where I've put it!!