turkey thawing advice needed
ImStillMags > wrote:
>On Dec 4, 2:30*pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
>> I have a 17 lb, presently frozen turkey. *(It was in the refrigerator
>> case at the grocery store today, but still seems pretty completely frozen.)
>> I need to cook this turkey Monday, that is pretty much 48 hours from now
>> it need to go into the oven ideally completely thawed. *By my calculation
>> it will not have thawed sufficiently by then if I just leave it in the
>> refrigerator.
>> How should I approach this?
>How deep is your kitchen sink.....or do you have a laundry sink?
>Fill it with cold water and put the turkey in there.
>Overnight. See how it is in the morning.
I'm considering the water method, I've just never used it. Has
this worked for you in the past? Has anyone actually done this?
Any specific advice?
We have a laundry room sink, or I could get a tub of some sort.
The other thing I'm considering is letting it thaw at room temp
for say three 2-hour intervals today and tomorrow, refigerating it
the rest of the time.