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Silvar Beitel Silvar Beitel is offline
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Posts: 107
Default turkey thawing advice needed

On Dec 4, 5:30 pm, (Steve Pope) wrote:
> I'm sure there are many opinions on this but here goes:
> I have a 17 lb, presently frozen turkey. (It was in the refrigerator
> case at the grocery store today, but still seems pretty completely frozen.)
> I need to cook this turkey Monday, that is pretty much 48 hours from now
> it need to go into the oven ideally completely thawed. By my calculation
> it will not have thawed sufficiently by then if I just leave it in the
> refrigerator.
> How should I approach this?
> Steve

Do you have a cooler? If so, put the turkey in there and cover it
with cold water. Add ice cubes if the water isn't real cold out of
the tap and/or you live in or have to stash the turkey in a more-than-
refrigerator-temperature place while it defrosts. (In other words,
keep the water temperature at less than 40 degrees F.)

Silvar Beitel