turkey thawing advice needed
On 12/4/2010 5:59 PM, Steve Pope wrote:
> Serene > wrote:
> [water method]
>> My mom does it every year. No one's died yet, and it's MUCH faster than
>> the fridge method.
> Thanks.
> So based on a chart that says a 17 lb turkey would take 8 hours to
> thaw in cold water, or 4 days to thaw in a refrigerator, I
> am thinking that 2 days of thawing in refrigerator followed by
> 4 hours in cold water will work. (Or are turkeys nonlinear?)
> I'm not planning to stuff the turkey (never do) so I'm not too
> concerned about it cooking completely and safely.
> Steve
You should be fine..Those "thaw in fridge" time charts never work
anyway. The one I had for my thanksgiving bird said to put it in the
fridge on saturday to cook on thursday and it was still icy. May depend
on the temp your fridge is set at too.
Currently reading: To Try Men's Souls by Newt Gingrich and William