The Stench of Subway
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 2 Dec 2010 19:56:14 -0600, Jerry Sauk wrote:
> > Steve, you already griped about this before. If your going to troll, at
> > least come up with something new.
> I'll talk about whatever I want, whenever I want, and without
> remorse. And I don't give a shit if it doesn't fit your plan for a
> perfect fast food Usenet group.
> This group is NOT about you anymore. We have taken back the group
> and your are nothing but a skid-mark bearing pipsqueak to be
> ignored.
> -sw
DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME THAT WAY STEVE!!!!!!!! This group was NEVER about
me... It's about FAST-FOOD, and YOU helped keep keeping it off-topic by all
your pointless argueing and self-admitted trolling.
YOU are teh problem in this group, Every group you post in, you are hated.
If that's not proof enough, then I don't know what is. Not to mention that
all the time's where I had to leave the group for a short while, all you did
was start argueing with the other people here.
Just go back to ignoring me, but this time, JUST IGNORE ME. And know
this... I will be watching you VERY CLOSELY to all of your post's and,
keeping VERY CLOSE TRACK of what you post that is on-topic or off-topic. I
won't allow you to get away with anything.