On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 13:02:35 -0600, Andy wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>> In article >,
>> notbob > wrote:
>>> Is Jambalaya supposed to be thick like a casserole or thin like a
>>> soup?
>>> nb
>> Pictures I've seen have looked pretty dang dry ‹ to my surprise. I
> had
>> expected a wetter mixture. <shrug>
> Depending on batch size, if you don't add a tablespoon or two of oil
> it'll look that way. But depending on the meat or fish added, that
> depends.
> From Melba's "zero knowledge" point of view, don't put a grain of salt
> into what she thinks.
> Andy
barb has forgotten more about cooking than you'll ever know.