On Sun, 05 Dec 2010 16:33:01 -0500, ravenlynne wrote:
> On 12/5/2010 4:09 PM, Andy wrote:
>> > wrote:
>>> On 12/5/2010 1:47 PM, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>> In >,
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Is Jambalaya supposed to be thick like a casserole or thin like a
>>>>> soup?
>>>>> nb
>>>> Pictures I've seen have looked pretty dang dry €¹ to my surprise. I
>> had
>>>> expected a wetter mixture.<shrug>
>>> Yeah, it's never soupy, and I wouldn't say it's similiar to a stew
>>> either. It's more similar to what you'd find in a stuffed pepper...
>> You shouldn't make a stupid remark like that when you don't know know
>> what your talking about.
>> Andy
> I'm a 6th generation cajun who's been around it my whole life and has
> made jambalaya more often than i can name. What's your qualifications.
he studied under chef sheldon. ask him about his spam jambalaya recipe!
your pal,