sweet potato recipe
On Tue, 07 Dec 2010 18:47:25 -0800, blacksalt > wrote:
> I'm crazy about sweet potatoes. I like them (and yams) as a sub in
> pumpkin-black bean chili. I sometimes add a little bit of left over
> cubed and put in at the last minute when frying home fries.
> And here is a favorite, in a cut and paste from the Sacramento cook-in,
> oh so many years ago (9, I think):
> This is From the Earth by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo. She claims it a Cantonese
> dish. Not only does it use the yams raw, it was very refreshing.
> 1 1/4 lb sweet taters or yams
> Peel, wash and dry. Cut in half lengthwise and put the flat side down
> and then cut downward to make thin strips (3/16th was my goal), and cut
> these into 2 inch lengths. I put this in something tupperwarish, poured
> over 3 T brown rice vinegar (rec says white vinegar), 1 teas dark
> sesame oil, 1 1/2 T sugar and a teas. of salt. Marinate overnight,
> shaking once or twice and toss with fresh coriander (she says 1 teas
> chopped, I used 2 T and left them leaves just pulled off the stems), and
> serve cool.
Thanks! There was some discussion around Thanksgiving about the want
for savory yam/sweet potato recipes.
I'm not familiar with brown rice vinegar. I've only noticed the clear
stuff. Where would I find it?
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