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Sarinja Sarinja is offline
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Posts: 9
Default Diabetes w/toddlers in the house

All caught up on the posts. Thank you for all the information.

I have another question: If you aren't a "list-maker" by nature, how
do you overcome the stress at the grocery store? I've got a sitter
that can handle the boys at home while I'm shopping; however, it's the
stress of finding what's right/cheap/edible by boys, etc., and not
taking overlong to do it...

The 2.5 y/o is nearly potty trained. Nights are his bad time, now. The
4 year old is potty trained.

What is b/s chicken?

I did figure out that OP is me - the original poster?

I'm not against prep-work. I can find time during the day to do so -
when the 4 year old takes his nap with the 2 year old instead of
fighting it for hours on end. It's just .... I guess I've gotten lazy.
If it's not cooked and ready in 20 mins, screw it. How do you retrain
yourself at 38 to care and take the time, find the time, do the work?
I do have a freezer that I can store stuff in. Half the time, it's
empty. I do have quite a few sets of frozen corn on the cob I bought
from some farmers over the summer. I'm not sure what to do with that,
now. The one time I tried to thaw it and cook it, it tasted watered
down - blech. Even the boys wouldn't eat it and they LOVE corn on the

And, of course, another question: How do you get past the "poor
pitiful me, I can't eat this and that anymore" and move on?

Thank you, again!