Victory in Europe! :-)
"Steve Jackson" > wrote in message news:<RNvub.16890$6G3.16379@fed1read06>...
> "MikeMcG" > wrote in message
> om...
> > I knew the Downingtown invasion was coming to a Safeway near me (NW
> > U.K.) what I can't believe is the price of HopDevil - 0.69UKP per
> > 355ml bottle.
> So, anyway, to actually talk about the beer instead of Ike, what's the
> verdict? Does it survive the journey across the pond in good shape?
> -Steve
& anyway, about the HopDevil, (as opposed to the Dogfish World Wide
that I've just been blathering about!) very nice - seemed perfectly
fresh - loads of chewy malt, good bit of alcohol & body, nuff
bitterness & fresh grapefruity cascadey hops - delicious.