On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 19:56:09 -0500, Jim Elbrecht >
>"Julie Bove" > wrote:
>>So now I have another 5 pound block that I will need to cut up soon. I have
>>been cutting them in cubes. Is there some other way to cut this besides a
>I use a [sharp metal] knife- but I think if I was going to be cubing a
>whole block at once I'd give one of the wire cutters a try- they
>should give you a lot more control and you could get uniform cubes-
>>I have Wusthoff knives (except for the ceramic one) and I once broke
>>the blade off in a much smaller block of cheese. This was some years ago
>>and the knife was less than a year old. That knife plus another have since
>>been replaced by the company. They were still under warranty.
>>I just don't want any more accidents. Is there some other way to cut cheese
>>in cubes? Would dental floss work? Thanks!
>Probably- guitar wire has been used. You can get stainless wire and a
>couple of bull rings at the hardware store pretty cheap.
When I was in Vermont for school-decades ago, they had a snazzy cheese
slicer in all stores that was a wire and you sliced off perfectly thin
slices. It could not hurt you. I bet you could google for a cheese