Tuesday Dinner
"Ranée at Arabian Knits" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> ravenlynne > wrote:
>> I actually sit down every pay period, which is every two weeks, and plan
>> menus for every day. This month I actually did it for the whole month
>> with the exception of the 24th, 25th and 31st. Then I write out a
>> shopping list. I have to watch closely for budget reasons. We eat
>> really well that way...if I just went to the store every day or every
>> other day like a lot of my friends, I'd spend triple.
> I've found that weekly or bi-weekly shopping and planning save us
> more money than just about anything else. I do watch sales and buy in
> season, but just going to the store with the big list helps a ton.
When I was single, I didn't keep a lot of food in the house. I worked long
hours and often ate my meals out.
When I did buy food, I would just buy whatever looked good. I can no longer
do that. I find it is vital to plan not only to save money but to ensure
balanced meals.