How to cut a 5 pound block of cheese?
On Dec 9, 7:37*pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> Costco has been out of Tillamoos. *If you don't know what those are, they
> are single serve packets of Tillamook, medium cheddar cheese. *So I bought a
> 5 pound block of the same cheese. *I had a heck of a time cutting it. *I
> used a butcher knife.
> After that was all eaten, I bought a 2 1/2 pound block of the same cheese at
> a different store. *I thought this would be easier to cut. *I tried a
> smaller ceramic knife, but it slipped sideways and I grazed my cuticle. *Not
> a big deal. *No blood.
> So now I have another 5 pound block that I will need to cut up soon. *I have
> been cutting them in cubes. *Is there some other way to cut this besides a
> knife? *I have Wusthoff knives (except for the ceramic one) and I once broke
> the blade off in a much smaller block of cheese. *This was some years ago
> and the knife was less than a year old. *That knife plus another have since
> been replaced by the company. *They were still under warranty.
> I just don't want any more accidents. *Is there some other way to cut cheese
> in cubes? *Would dental floss work? *Thanks!
I've read that a dull knife cuts cheese better than a sharp knife. I
don't know if it's true. I just use whatever knife I have readily
available. Never had problems. Perhaps you are not putting enough
pressure on the knife? I don't cut the cheese; by that I mean that I
don't move the knife back and forth. I just put the blade on the
cheese(I'm right handed, I hold the knife in my right hand) and press
down with my left hand, which is on the back of the knife.