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Ross@home Ross@home is offline
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Posts: 403
Default Skinning Garbanzo Beans?

On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 16:18:49 -0600, Sqwertz >

>Skinning garbonzo beans really does make for a much smoother
>hummus. But it's kinda a PITA. Is there an easy way to skin them,
>either canned or dried?
>What I did was just kinda smoosh them around in my hand, but not
>quite hard enough to smash them Most of the skins came off, then
>pick the skins out of the beans. It took about 8 minutes and a few
>skins were probably left on.
>It looks lumpy since I wanted it stiff for sandwiches so didn't use
>any liquid except oil. But it's really very smooth textured.

Along the same line, has anyone ever tried using besan for making
Probably have to cook it first, like making polenta?
I've thought of trying it but, never got around to doing it. Probably
because it's so simple and easy to make in the food processor using
canned chickpeas.
